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Well, here's my little tribute to an incredible site dedicated to the realms of fantasy would be quite the same without it- but that's just my opinion. <grin>

Labyrinth is the 1986 fantasy movie done by Jim Henson Inc. - conceptual designer was Brian Froud(wonderful artist!!).  Sarah, a young dreamer, must fight her way through the goblin king's labyrinth to rescue her baby half-brother(yes- she wished him away!). It's an adventure of epic proportions...mixing just enough mythology and references to other tales from literature into the pot to interest many. But I digress... How did I come to know Labyrinth...? It was a stormy night....and I was 15....curled up reading a good book...minding my own business, when my Dad called upstairs and offered to take myself and my sisters to the local video store..and there I spied this intriguing box with great cover art. Well- I had to see if the movie lived up to the promises made on the box, now didn't I? So... there you go. That was many years ago, and my love of the movie has not dimmed.


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"Sweet Madame Blue, gaze in your looking glass, you're not a child anymore... Sweet Madame Blue, the future is all but dressed in your jewels, you made your own conquered the world and more..."

~"Crystal Ball" by Styx      



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My husband says  the above painting is definitely an apt portrayal of myself.  Love you, Hun! But I'll never tell where the whoopee cushion is! Hahahahahaha!!!!

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Here's a bit of fanfiction: ***All characters from Labyrinth belong to Jim Henson Inc, Brian Froud, etc. and no one here is trying to deprive anyone else of their due. This is done purely for entertainment purposes only.  The rest of the characters belong to their authors and Labyrinth Fanfiction List members belong to themselves.

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) Once Upon a Cat-  by Dreamspinner

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) Visitation-  by IrishCreme and Dreamspinner

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) Reverse Visitation- by IrishCreme, Dreamspinner, Mirya Rayn, Leila, and           cHrYsTiE

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) The Package- **PG-13** humorous story by the members of the Evil Elves              Writing Guild.....

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) Where's the Camera???- an amusing story ;-)

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) The Wake- what happens after Jareth has to play dead...

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) Just A Wish- A teenager wishes his mother away(with surprising results)

crystalglow.gif (14429 bytes) Crystalline Dreams- by Dreamspinner and Delilah- the saga continues



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I wish you dreams of joy...






fleur.gif (4651 bytes)WebPage design by Dreamspinnerfleur.gif (4651 bytes)