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Sean-Perrin "Dreamspinner" Parker



    Rhiannon sat peacefully under the largest of the ancient oaks on the knoll. She rested against the tree’s great trunk, her head cradled by a low branch. Her eyes were closed, and her panpipes had fallen from her relaxed, nerveless fingers to rest in the puddle of fabric made by her oversized poet’s blouse. She savored the taste of the honey-sweet mead left on her lips, her silver flask rested against her hip, safely tucked into the front pocket of her blue jeans. The cool autumn breeze played with her short strawberry-blonde curls, causing them to dance and sparkle in the evening sunlight. Her lips curved in a pleased smile, her mind thankfully lost in the dance of dreamtime.

    The lone elf-lord watched the young woman from his perch in the branches of the opposite oak. His enchanted emerald green hunting cape camouflaged him nicely as he sat back and watched the loveliness before him. The dying light played exquisitely across the woman’s peaceful features, causing her wondrous locks to shine almost as if they were a part of the light themselves. He found that his hands fairly just itched with the desire to run his fingers through her glorious hair. Her locks seemed to form a halo about her milk-white face, her rosy pink lips softly moved in a wistful smile. He had been watching her since she came here. Few sights have ever had the force to move him, but this one carried such light about her. Blinding it was. He thought he had never seen beautiful eyes so haunted and sad.

    The feeling of someone’s soft lips pressed against her own brought Rhiannon abruptly out of the peaceful state she had surrendered herself to. Totally in the present, she quickly opened her eyes to find herself staring into eyes of green fire which sparkled in impish delight. Those magnificent green eyes were not far from her own, so she pressed herself as far back into the tree’s trunk as she could possibly go, her own blue-green eyes wide in surprise.

"Calmly, now…I mean you no harm," The man said softly. His voice had a lilting musical quality to it… a quality that pleased Rhiannon’s ears immensely.

"Who are you?" she asked as she studied the pale man standing as if on display before her. She almost laughed at his antics, for he made sure to do a little twirl so she could really get a good look at him. His skin had a slight iridescent blue-green tinge to it, and glowed with inner luminosity. His soft long hair was startling silver in color, with the same blue-green tint to it.

"You must name me, Fair-one," he said calmly, his rich melodious voice thrumming in her ears.

‘This is so strange,’ Rhiannon thought to herself. Something in her mind shouted a name to her, and she trusted her instincts enough to repeat it, "Finn," she said softly.

"Yes!" Finn smiled in total delight. He had been right about this one. He plopped down next to her, grinning like a child who had won first prize at the fair. He crossed his long legs and cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at her, causing her to smile.

"Rhiannon," she named herself, gravely taking out her flask of mead and offering it to him. He smilingly accepted, neatly taking a long pull from the flask. He handed it back to her, indicating that she do the same. After she had taken a similar sip from the flask, she asked her companion, "Why have you come?"

"Because you called," he said simply.

"Did I?" she asked, totally mystified. She could not figure out how such a thing could be without her knowing it.

Finn smiled reassuringly, shaking his head at her apparent confusion, "No need to worry so. All is well." He noticed her little set of pipes and asked if he might play something for her.

"Oh, yes, please do," Rhiannon quickly replied, making Finn smile. He picked up the pipes and expertly began playing a hauntingly beautiful tune. Rhiannon smiled and relaxed against the oak, allowing the music to swell within her.

    As the young woman rode the waves of the song, Finn watched her with pleasant amusement. Rhiannon’s eyes closed in innocent rapture as she listened to the marvelous melody. He could feel her awareness soaring within the magical music he played. Yes. A true bard. He changed his tune to one of a sweet lover’s ballad. Rhiannon opened her eyes with a start, a pink flush blooming on her pale cheeks. She looked him in the eye and pouted. Finn laughed and handed her back the pipes.

"Come away with me, Rhiannon. There is a dance in the Circle tonight, and I would be honored if you would come with me and be my partner." He said softly, sincerely imploring her. Rhiannon had the distinct feeling that Finn was offering her more than just one dance in the moonlight, and her decision wavered. Then she looked deeply into his eyes…

"Nothing but choice holds you here, Fair-one," Finn stated softly but matter-of-factly. Rhiannon gazed at him in open shock. It was very true, and she knew he had not said it to be unkind. There were no children, pets, parents, or lover worth mentioning waiting for her. She placed a trembling hand within his proffered steady one, his firm grasp giving her strength as he aided her to rise. She relived the horrible events of the past few days, and felt the tears begin to flow again. How could parents claiming to love her treat her so cruelly? She felt the all-too-familiar twinge in her heart as she though about what had occurred. They had been becoming increasingly more jealous of her time, and she understood their pain. She knew it wasn’t easy for them to have to watch their daughter die from cancer, and at such an early age. It wounded her terribly to see the ones she loved in pain. But those hurtful words…those incredibly selfish, hurtful words, "We only want to spend time with you when you are well and vibrant," they had said. And what happened after that? She knew no one would be there for her when she needed someone. Rhiannon pulled her hand out of Finn’s to wrap her arms about herself in mute agony. She had been so patient and so giving with everyone through this three-year long battle, but apparently it wasn’t enough. Within the depths of her being, she knew her final choice had been the best one she could make, given the hand she had been dealt. It had made her parents very greedy for her time, like an addiction. She was not an only child, and she desperately wanted them to focus on the grandchildren they already had. All she wanted was a few moments of peace now and then, but it seemed to be too much to ask. Every time they saw her, they tried to make her feel guilty that they weren’t getting more time with her "while she was well and vibrant". It was true that she didn’t look like someone with terminal cancer. Many people had told her how she radiated positive energy and glowed with apparent health. She ran a quaking long-fingered alabaster hand through her short tresses; her vision focused on the horrors of the past.

    Finn could feel her agony and he couldn’t stand it any longer, so he pulled her into his embrace, "Forget that, please…forget…" he whispered into her red-gold hair. He sent her warm feelings of comfort to help sooth her troubled psyche. Finn found himself embattling fierce rage within him over the fact that one so noble could be treated so poorly. He was certain no one would ever believe such a heinous act was committed by a child’s own parents. Her grief was still very fresh. He also knew that her thoughts were always for someone else, how she could ease their sufferings…even when she needed to be the one being consoled. She gave so much that she was too tired to go on for herself.

"Angel," He said as he held her tightly, softly singing the name like a prayer. She put her head on his shoulder and buried her face in his silken hair as her slight frame was wracked with tortured sobs. Many had called her thusly. All that she had been holding within for the last few days came pouring out, and Finn held her, unmoving, solid, and supportive. With stunned awareness he saw and knew all she was, had been, and could be. Yes, he would bring this one to the Circle. He was certain Dreamspinner would have demanded it. He knew she probably was aware of this one, and had sent her dreams of comfort. He pulled his soft cloak around them both, drying her tears with a corner of it. She smiled sadly at him and he knew she was concerned for him!

"Thank you, Finn. Thanks for being here for me," she sighed as she looked up into his deep-green eyes, such wonderfully beautiful eyes, she thought.

"Yours eyes are beautiful, too," he whispered back to her, causing her to start momentarily. She looked back up at him with a questioning expression.

"Yes, I can hear you," he said gently, for he knew she would bolt like a frightened deer if he wasn’t careful, "Push the pain aside but for a moment, like when you are listening to music, and you’ll be able to hear me as well." He smiled as her expression changed into one of inward concentration, ‘See?’ he thought to her. He was not prepared for the surge of joyous emotion as she realized what he already knew.

"Oh, my!" Finn gasped as he clutched on to her, still reeling from the joyful surge she had unwittingly projected. Rhiannon’s thoughts turned to ones of concern for him, and he laughed gently as he reassured her. Well, their link was definitely firmly connected! It was time to be going.

"Are you coming with me, Rhiannon? Do you accept what I offer you?" he asked her, his expression very serious. Rhiannon looked around the silent forest as if in benediction. There would be less pain for everyone if she just disappeared.

"No, then you would be going for the wrong reasons. Go for yourself, dear one. Only then may you walk with me." Finn watched her face closely, then nodded in satisfaction with what he read there.

"Yes, I will go with you." Rhiannon smiled as she said it, and she knew this was indeed right.

Finn nodded in acceptance, obviously very pleased with himself. Rhiannon did not resist the urge to elbow him in the ribs, and he pouted playfully at her. He wordlessly pulled her tightly into his embrace, and Rhiannon felt the surge in the magic surrounding them. She felt a bit light-headed, and Finn pulled her to sit down next to him under the massive limbs of the biggest oak tree she had ever seen. Finn caught her as she collapsed against him. They weren’t in the grove anymore.


    Dreamspinner gazed at the moon absently as she caught little spider-silk strands from the air to weave them into the small tapestry on the Loom before her. One strand decided to become a silver bracelet on her slender alabaster wrist, and she watched its endeavors with mild amusement.

"No, little one- you belong to the web," her rich honeyed voice smoothed the tension from the little strand and it relaxed, sliding down into her long-fingered hands, "you are very important to the integrity of this piece, little one, as are all the strands on my loom." She gently wove the strand of starlight into the greater pattern of the web.

"There! Most satisfactory…" she caressed the fabric, humming a sweet melody. Dreamspinner stretched as she looked up from the Loom. She felt Finn’s green-bright presence and another one she knew at the edge of the Circle. Hmmm. So. She smiled as she finished up the tapestry she was working on, carefully taking it from the loom. The feather-light fabric sparkled and shimmered in the evening sun. Suddenly, she threw the tapestry into the air, where it whirled maddeningly in upon itself, spinning and compressing until a single crystal sphere was all that remained. The crystal floated down to set itself serenely into her hands, and she held it up to the light to get a better view of her handiwork.

"Yes. This one will suffice, I dare say," she hummed softly as she twirled the crystal across her fingers. Gwydion looked up from the arrow he was fletching and smiled at his wife.

"Humph. Like there is ever a flaw in anything you’ve prepared," he quipped, his handsome face sporting a mischievous grin.

Dreamspinner turned up her nose in mock-sulkiness and flounced out of the room. Gwydion let the arrow fall to table and followed his wife into the kitchen.

"What is it, bright-one?" Gwydion asked as he pulled her into his arms.

"A very hurt childling is coming into our Circle tonight, my love. Finn took it upon himself to rescue her. They are now outside under the grandfather oak." Dreamspinner glanced up at her husband in solemn confirmation, her blue-green eyes sparkling in sympathy.

"Ah. I see. Then the crystal is for that childling?" he queried. She nodded grimly and he asked, "That bad, is it? I shall gather as many as I can for the dance tonight." He kissed her lightly on the forehead and left to attend his self-assigned duties. Dreamspinner sighed and waited, calmly twirling the crystal on her delicate fingers, causing it to shine brightly as it danced across her fingertips.


    Rhiannon stirred in Finn’s embrace, attempting to remember what had happened. She thought she must have fainted or something, for the last thing she remembered was seeing the huge oak tree they were now lying under. Finn smiled and held her closer. She sighed contentedly, and he traced the smoothness of her pale cheek with his fingers. She vaguely remembered it being around sunset when they arrived, and it was definitely evening now. From none to far away came the sounds of exquisite music which tickled her ears and made her want to get up and go and see what was going on. Finn smiled as he sensed this, and wordlessly stood and helped her to rise. They approached the large circular clearing hand-in-hand, and Rhiannon gasped as her dearest remembered fantasies played out in front of her startled eyes. She knew this place! They paused at the edge of the Circle, and a beautiful flame-haired woman approached them smiling a wonderfully angelic smile.

"Welcome to my Circle, Rhiannon." The moonlight-skinned lady said as she held out her arms in warm greeting. Rhiannon did not resist the urge, and she flew into Dreamspinner’s comforting embrace. Finn was amazed to see just how closely his foundling resembled his mistress. They stood together, arms about each other, air heavy with their unspoken communication. Dreamspinner suddenly smiled and pulled a crystal out of the air then presented it to Rhiannon. The crystal hovered before the young woman, then merged into the hurting place within her heart, healing her with a suddenness that left her breathless. Dreamspinner and Finn now held her, their presence of three seemed so right somehow. Rhiannon knew she would have fallen if they had not been there to hold her, and she sent thoughts of her heartfelt gratitude to them. Dreamspinner chuckled softly, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, childling. I am grateful you accepted Finn’s offer, the truth be told."

Finn smiled craftily, "Well, I do have these remarkable powers of persuasion…" and ducked as Dreamspinner aimed a playful glancing blow on his shoulder.

Rhiannon sighed, "I know I dreamed this…it is so familiar." Causing Finn to look at her in mild amusement. She would need a bit more time to truly come to terms with all of this, and he would be there for her.

"Ah, yes. Well come, youngling. Join our Circle. This night is young, and the moon shines her light openly. Come and dance within it." Dreamspinner indicated that they join the rapidly enlarging circle of dancing and singing fae. Rhiannon felt a bit shy amongst these shining people, until she glanced down and realized that she looked like she was one of them. She looked up into Finn’s green-bright eyes with fierce joy, and he smiled encouragingly at her as he offered her his arm.

"Dance, my sweet?" he said so softly. As they joined the Circle, faeries of all kinds welcomed Rhiannon with great joy, and she soared within their warm regards. She joined the circle as if she was born within it, the intensity of her emotions amplified and shared within the Circle, to return to her in a rush of pleasant acceptance. They wondrously made their way toward the center, where a shining moonlight-skinned flame-haired winged goddess danced with an antlered god who blazed green fire and earthen shadows. Rhiannon realized with a start that she was watching Dreamspinner. The goddess smiled at the young woman and offered her hand to her, which was eagerly accepted, and Rhiannon joined Gwydion, Dreamspinner, and Finn in the center of the circle.

"Do you accept the healing we offer you, child?" Dreamspinner gently whispered.

"Yes, oh, yes…" Rhiannon’s vision blurred from the tears of happiness she could not prevent from flowing down her pale cheeks.

"Well then, step into the center of our Circle." Dreamspinner’s honey-rich musical voice soothed the last of Rhiannon’s shy reserve away, and she stepped into the center of the circle. All of the faeries joined hands at the moment her feet touched the spiral path, and she became one with them.


    The evening passed like a good dream, over too soon, but leaving a sense of great serenity in its wake. She knew all of their names now, as they new hers, and they called their farewells and promises for more dances out to her before retreating to their homes with the coming dawn. Rhiannon knew there was one thing more she should do…and sought out Dreamspinner. She found her resting serenely within Gwydion’s protective embrace as the couple sat watching the splendid sunrise.

Rhiannon smiled shyly and glanced at the ground, then looked up to meet Dreamspinner’s gaze, "I wish to give you something along with my heartfelt thanks."

Dreamspinner smiled, "It is not necessary. You are a gift in yourself."

Rhiannon blushed, "No- it is necessary…but only if you want to accept it."

"Yes, child?"

"May I name you Mother?" Rhiannon’s eyes held the dream-weaver’s in silent entreaty, and she felt both Dreamspinner and Gwydion’s bright awareness rise up to cradle hers, answering her question with more effectiveness than mere words. Finn chose at that moment to clamber into the thick of things with a petulant, "What about me?" which caused everyone to burst into hysterical laughter. Yes, all things were good and as they should be.

*copyright 1997. Please send all questions or comments to Dreamspinner@twilightrealm.com