This is Dreamspinner's husband Mark (aka Gwydion) writing in her place. Sean-Perrin Pierce Parker (known to all as  Dreamspinner) has passed on into the Twilightrealm. Sean died at age 27 on June 4th, 1999 at 1:30AM. She fought a valiant and courageous 5 year long battle against breast cancer; but, in the end, her mortal body was unable to defeat it.

She died quietly in my arms, at home with myself and her 2 cats. She had made peace with her GOD, and did not fear death, for she believed that even in her short life, she had been blessed with all that life had to give her.  Many times she told me that she didn't regret dying, but only regreted that she would have to leave me alone on this earth. Sean and I were soulmates, and death can't seperate us. On occasion, if I am very still and can quiet my spirit, I can feel her touching my soul and telling me that all is well on the other side...

She waits to greet me, and her other friends, on the other side of the curtain of darkness, in the forest of life and is preparing a kind and gentle place in eternity.  

She passed from this world in no pain, and had no fear...

PS. In honor of her memory, and in response to numerous requests for more of her writings, I am working on publishing her unfinished works. I have added a new section under  Dreamspinner's Loom  called Unfinished Works and I will place them there as I am will take me a while publish these stories, since I have to proof them first to insure that I'm publishing the correct version of each story.